Girls World Expo

Girls World Expo is a one-day event in cities across the nation for girls 11–18 where girls can be inspired to imagine and create their own unique future. They can explore college and career choices, learn about having a healthy body image, discover empowering communities, and learn to stay safe in life and online.

Visit the web site for tickets:


The 3 Subtypes of ADHD:

There are now three subtypes that fall under the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  1. Inattentive—formerly ADD
  2. Hyperactive-Impulsive—ADHD
  3. Combined Type—both inattentive and hyperactive

SOURCE: ADHD: 102 Practical Strategies for “Reducing the Deficit” 2nd Ed. (Frank & Smith-Rex, 2013)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

A detailed booklet that describes ADHD symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information on getting help and coping.


Interventions Central

Provides great resources and interventions for academics and behavior.


Teen Health

Provides information for teens and for parents on ADHD.  Resources are written to the audience.


American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP)

The AAP web site does a great job of providing resources to parents to help them help their children.

Check out more ADHD resources on the SPMS School Counseling web site at

Military Family Resources

Summit Parkway Middle School has a significant military family presence.  As such, when we know of resources that will aid these families, we want to publicize them.  We have taken resource brochures geared toward aiding military families and put them in an electronic format for easier access for greater numbers of families.  We also have some of these resources available in the front lobby as well as the counseling center office.

Please check back as we will be looking to update this site as often as we receive information regarding new resources.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to all our military families because we know that you serve, too.

RVHS Summer Reading Program

The link will take you to a document that will explain the Ridge View High School Summer Reading Program.  Also, included are synopses of the books that students can choose from to read this summer.